Haan Zilmer - Report Manager
I am a senior in electrical engineering here at Iowa State.
I am specializing in digital signal processing and electromagnetism.
My main role in this project is to be our report manager, however,
I am also in charge of srsLTE set up and will be involved in algorithm
design and implementation.
Bradley Norman - Meeting facilitator
I am a senior in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University with an emphasis in electromagnetics.
My primary role is to facilitate project meetings between members and our project advisor, I also lead
the test bed setup for project experimentation and prototyping.
Anh To - Chief Algorithm Designer
I am a senior in Computer Engineering at ISU with a minor in Cyber Security.
My main role to lead and monitor the development effort of the prototype algorithm that we’ll be implementing.
Elias Zougmore - Lead Algorithm Test Engineer
I am a senior in Software Engineering here at Iowa State University.
My main role in this project is to be the Lead Algorithm Test Engineer.
I am also working on the implementation and design of the srsLTE algorithm.